You can tailor that to your target e.g. if they like the quiet, sensitive, saintly but secretly sexually threatening type, you can become that
Be mysterious
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How To Appear To Be Rich
Although you should generally attempt to mirror your targets behavior, background etc. (see 'Mirroring' section) in order to make them fall in love with you, you must at the same time display higher social value. They should feel they have something to gain from having you and that you are better than them (however, you must NEVER state that, because it will bruise their ego and turn them off)
Get people to talk about their past so they will project on you
Some of the most binding topics are pleasant childhood memories
Help him access pleasant childhood memories
However, keep in mind that pain binds you much closer to people than kindness
Make them the star!
Entertain them
In flattering them, target their insecurities
Make your target regress by getting them to discuss their childhood – you must play the role of the therapist by remaining distant and blank but understanding
Never argue
Do the things they do
Enjoy the things they enjoy
Familiarity does not breed contempt in people who are attracted to each other
Instead it draws them more and more closely to each other
Constant niceness can drive your target away
The creation of erotic feelings depends of creating tension
Inflicting pain in your targets binds you closer to them
Create pain and then alleviate it
Seem unattainable
“If you are easily had, you can’t be worth that much”
People don’t value what comes very easily
Appear to be unavailable
Do not be too nice
Hint very subtly that you are interested in other people, create triangles
Appear to be desired, to be the object of desire, to have friends
Try to engage the other person emotionally, even through unpleasant emotions, like jealousy
Use the secret that every cult knows only too well: to change the identity and psychologically enslave someone, you must first isolate them from their normal environment, surroundings, friends and relatives, in order to remove the existing psychological and mental 'pegs' that support their identity
Then you can work on creating a new reality for them
Find beautiful, romantic places to spend time with them
Do highly emotional activities with that person, so that they associate you with those emotions
Be always available and suddenly, step back
Once you make the other person like you, step back, appear aloof, disinterested.
Make yourself unavailable through some implied – or real – obstacle.
Following the seduction tips mentioned here will increase your chances of capturing the heart of the person you desire - but they don't guarantee it...
The circumstances of that person's life and their resistances may be too great to overcome
You might lose them...
If you love someone, you have to set them free – if they love you, they’ll come back
If you sense signs of rejection, do not go back; if you feel someone slipping away, let that person go
People are like buses; whenever one goes by, another one comes along
If you are rejected, take it as a sign and confidently move on
It is futile to pursue people that are closed up to you
…however, keep in mind that resistance is sometimes a sign that a person’s emotions have been engaged.