Hypnosis Downloads 'Feel Attractive NOW!'

You may have thought up to now that seduction has to do more with your physical appearance than with anything else - well, you're wrong. Seduction is more than anything else a mind game, a trance, a hypnotic venture into the soul of the other person, your target. The reason is that most people have deep, unfulfilled psychological needs. If you figure out those needs in the other person and position yourself is such a way that will hint that you can fulfill them, you can seduce your target. The reason behind that is that, despite what we'd like to think, we are motivated by our emotions more than anything. When there is a clash inside ourselves, between reason and the heart, the heart always wins. Read on an learn how to use these timeless rules of seduction.

Mind Your Appearance

Be impressive, dress impressively

Dress for your target

Learn More 'Male Beauty Secrets' - Click Image Above

Body Language

Let your eyes take a visual voyage of your target's bodies

Let your eyes linger on theirs a few milliseconds longer than normal

This technique creates a strong emotional response

Although an air of sadness can be seductive, try to have a cheerful disposition, as if you were born happy

Because the other person must find you fun to be with

The more space you occupy with your body, gestures etc, the more powerful you appear

Always remember that power and status are strong attractants and aphrodisiacs, while weakness has the opposite effect

(Studies have shown that the more money a man has, the more orgasms the woman reports!)

The same holds true for slow motions and gestures

Physical contact increases emotional impact. Even a slight, 'accidental' touch registers in your targets subconscious and creates an emotional response

Learn More 'Body Language' Tips - Click Image Above


How to Speak

Mirror your targets vocal patterns, volume, speed of talking

Speak slowly, loudly, clearly and with rhythm

When you want to stress a point, lower your voice towards the end of the sentence

The seducer has a mesmerizing voice that hints at the erotic

Rhythmic speaking is hypnotic and creates emotional momentum

Mind the tone of your voice. Record your voice and listen to it; that is what it really sounds like, believe it or not! Our own perception of our voice is different from that of others because it is distorted by osseous (bone) conduction. To find your natural tone of voice, hum the "Happy Birthday" song.

That is the natural tone you should aim for. You will notice that this tone is normally deeper than your normal tone and immensely more seductive and sexy. Try it out on someone over the phone and you'll understand... Always remember that deeper voices are more commanding and hypnotic than higher-pitched ones. For some reason the human subconscious is in awe of deep voice tones.

That is why hypnotists frequently use a deep voice to induce trance states in their subjects. Watch this video of Keanu Reeves, paying attention to his naturally deep hypnotic voice, for which he is famous.

On Appearing To Be Rich

How To Appear To Be Rich

Although you should generally attempt to mirror your targets behavior, background etc. (see 'Mirroring' section) in order to make them fall in love with you, you must at the same time display higher social value. They should feel they have something to gain from having you and that you are better than them (however, you must NEVER state that, because it will bruise their ego and turn them off)

Rules of Seductive Conversation

Do not talk too much

Conversation should flow smoothly and should not be forced

It should feel kind of like making love

Get people to talk about their past so they will project on you

Some of the most binding topics are pleasant childhood memories

Help him access pleasant childhood memories

However, keep in mind that pain binds you much closer to people than kindness

Make them the star!

Entertain them

In flattering them, target their insecurities

Make your target regress by getting them to discuss their childhood – you must play the role of the therapist by remaining distant and blank but understanding

Never argue

Let the other person talk and they will reveal their deepest fears, desires, values and thought

Attentively listening to someone and showing a genuine interest in them creates a powerful trance state

People associate you with the memories/feelings you help them re-live


We tend to like those that are most like us

It is as if we are seduced and comforted by seeing our own reflection in someone else

For this reason, the best way to bypass someones resistance and make them feel immediately comfortable with you is to 'mirror' them, to be like them as much as possible in their vocal inflection, their respiratory rate, their body language, their ideas, their preferences, their mannerisms

Seducers, after all are not weighed down by a need to be natural and themselves – they can assume whatever role they wish. Seduction is like a kind of theatre in real life

Imitate, or mirror the other person with subtlety

Mirror the inflections in their voice, the tone of their voice, their attitude, their expressions, their activities and their beliefs

Mirror others up to a certain degree, without losing your own identity

In mirroring cater to their whims and tastes, creating no opposition, arousing no defense

Defensiveness is deadly in seduction – bend, do not resist other people

Assume the other person’s identity, feel what it is like to be them and get under their skin – this is the first step to seduction

Countries are like people; they have vast insecurities and feel threatened by foreign customs

So when in Rome, do as the Romans

Learn More Seduction Hypnosis Tricks - Click Image Above

Enter Their Psyche

Spend time with your target and thus enter his or her psyche

Do the things they do

Enjoy the things they enjoy

Familiarity does not breed contempt in people who are attracted to each other

Instead it draws them more and more closely to each other

Send Mixed Signals - Mix Pleasure and Pain

Constant niceness can drive your target away

The creation of erotic feelings depends of creating tension

Inflicting pain in your targets binds you closer to them

Create pain and then alleviate it

Seem unattainable

“If you are easily had, you can’t be worth that much”

People don’t value what comes very easily

Appear to be unavailable

Do not be too nice

But also do not criticize harshly; rather, insinuate your criticism


Pheromones are sex-attractant substances secreted by most primates

They are present in bodily secretions, e.g. sweat

That's why some find the odor of a sweaty man irresistible

That's why Napoleon directed Josephine not to wash for three days before he would be reunited with her after battle

Today pheromones are extracted from the glands of animals or synthetically produced and marketed

They are found as ingredients of fragrances such as MUSK, or as isolated preparations

Believe it or not, there are pheromones effective for any... gender combination

Their effectiveness is being debated but the placebo effect alone of having them on can boost your sex-appeal considerably

Create the Illusion of Being Desired

Hint very subtly that you are interested in other people, create triangles

Appear to be desired, to be the object of desire, to have friends

Try to engage the other person emotionally, even through unpleasant emotions, like jealousy

Insinuate, ever so slightly hint, that you are interested in another person, but do not be cruel in this respect

Isolate Your Target

Use the secret that every cult knows only too well: to change the identity and psychologically enslave someone, you must first isolate them from their normal environment, surroundings, friends and relatives, in order to remove the existing psychological and mental 'pegs' that support their identity

Then you can work on creating a new reality for them

Find beautiful, romantic places to spend time with them

Make your target associate you with fascinating and spiritual moments

Do highly emotional activities with that person, so that they associate you with those emotions

Make your targets associate you with higher and spiritual things. e.g. take them to concerts etc.

The latter is important, because you do not want them to think that your essence and motives are merely carnal

Step Back

Be always available and suddenly, step back

Once you make the other person like you, step back, appear aloof, disinterested.

Make yourself unavailable through some implied – or real – obstacle.

But be careful; an absence too early is lethal to seduction

Love Scent

Losing the Person You Love..

Following the seduction tips mentioned here will increase your chances of capturing the heart of the person you desire - but they don't guarantee it...

The circumstances of that person's life and their resistances may be too great to overcome

You might lose them...

If you love someone, you have to set them free – if they love you, they’ll come back

If you sense signs of rejection, do not go back; if you feel someone slipping away, let that person go

People are like buses; whenever one goes by, another one comes along

If you are rejected, take it as a sign and confidently move on

It is futile to pursue people that are closed up to you

…however, keep in mind that resistance is sometimes a sign that a person’s emotions have been engaged.

You have to be able to gage whether the other persons’ resistance is simply an indication that their emotions have been engaged or true resistance

Saturday, January 30, 2010

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1 comment:

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